안녕하세요 빵범입니다.
저번에 다낭 여행 취소 관련해서 포스팅을 했었습니다.
항공권은 결항 취소되어 전부 환불받을 예정이고
호텔도 대부분 환불을 받았으나 쉐라톤 호텔만 아직 환불받지 못했습니다.
새로운 공지를 기다리고 있던 찰나,
4월 30일 숙박까지 예약을 무료 변경 또는 무료 취소를 해주겠다는 공지가 올라왔습니다.
지체하지 않고 바로 취소를 하고 메일을 보냈는데요,,,
기나긴 싸움을 하게 될 줄은 생각하지 못했습니다.
# 1
1차 취소 메일
처음엔 호텔에 정식 공지가 되었으니 무료 취소가 가능하냐고 문의를 했습니다.
그랬더니 아래와 같이 답변이 왔죠
Warmest greeting from Sheraton Grand Danang Resort!
Regarding your concerns via Customer Engagement Center, kindly be informed the penalty charge would be applied for cancellation (if occurred).
We are regretful for the Corona Virus and understanding your concerns. Due to this unexpected situation, we have considering this case and would flexible for you to extend the stay until the end of Oct 2020 – instead of cancellation. The collected amount at VND 18,111,844 nett would be used as credit for next stay with us.
(room rate will be changed subject to the new period of stay)
We do hope that this situation could have the positive updates for the upcoming date so you could join this extend stay with us (as this is our best offer from our Management for this unexpected situation).
Kindly support us to response on this offer for our awareness and further assistance.
We are looking to receive your response.
Should you need for further information or assistance, please do not hesitate contact us.
Thank you and best regards,
번역을 해보자면,
코로나 바이러스로 인해 2020년 10월 말까지 체류를 연장해주겠다는 내용입니다.
전 받아들일 수 없어 다시 환불을 요청했습니다.
그랬더니 이번에도 동일한 메일 회신이 왔습니다.
Good afternoon from Sheraton Grand Danang Resort!
Via Customer Engagement Center, we are regretted to hearing cancellation from your side because of Corona Virus issue. Based on Marriott Announcement, we will waive for this cancellation booking. Beside, about settled room charge at VND 18,111,844 Nett (**9037), we highly recommend that we could keep this amount until the end of Dec, 2020 as credit and deduct it to your next booking at our resort for more convenience.
Hope our solution could be adaptable with your expectation and we looking forward to hearing you soonest.
Should you need for further information or assistance, please do not hesitate contact us by calling +84 2363 988 999, or emailing us at Danang.Reservations@sheraton.com
Thank you and best regards,
2020년 12월 말까지 크레딧을 유지하고 다음 예약에 사용하라는 이야기였죠.
이때부터 이메일 전쟁이 시작되었습니다.
# 2
2차 요청 메일
한국은 '동방예의지국'이니까 아래와 같이 공손하게 메일을 보냈습니다.
Thanks for your feed-back mail.
I am writing about problem with my hotel reservation.
Actually, I definitely want to go to Sheraton Danang Resort.
But I don't know when the corona virus problem will be solved.
I thought about that issue many times with my family.
But, unfortunately I won't be able to go there.
So, I want to get fully refund. Is it possible?
I don't want waive for this cancellation booking.
I think this is the best I can do right now.
I really hope for your kind understanding and look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your condideration.
나는 꼭 가고 싶지만 언제 코로나 바이러스가 해결될지 모르겠다.
그러니 전부 환불을 해주면 안 되겠니?
뭐 이런 내용입니다.
하지만 또 이렇게 회신이 왔네요
Thank you for your kind response.
We are regretful and understanding the situation that our guest are facing. Our hotel always try our best to have the best solution and recommendation for our guest. Since The refund may take quite long time and the refund transaction fee is requested (if refund occur) as well (it is depend on the bank issue card) so our colleagues has recommend you to keep credit for next stay (till end of Dec 2020) for more convenience.
Please rest assure that the new date could be advised once your schedule is finalized so that we could assist to deduct payment accordingly.
Or in case, the situation have not positive, please rest assure that our hotel could consider again (base on the situation at that time). Our guest’s safety is our top priority.
We do hope to receive your kind understanding and your response on this offer for our acknowledge and further assistance.
Should you need for further information or assistance, please do not hesitate contact us.
Thank you and best regards,
너의 상황은 이해하고 있지만, 환불에 시간도 오래 걸리고 수수료도 청구가 된다.
다음에 머물 수 있는 크레딧을 유지하는 것을 권장할게, 일정을 알려줘
이런 내용이었죠..;;
# 3
3차 재요청 메일
제가 무료 취소되는 예약이었다면 바로 난리를 쳤겠지만
취소 환불 안 되는 숙박 예약이었기에 다시 한번 공손하게(?) 메일을 보냈습니다.
Thanks for your email.
But, This is very annoying situation. There are very serious problem for me.
I think I can not visit there this year because of corona virus.Do you konw when the corona virus problem will be solved.
I really don't know.
So, I strongly want to fully refund it.
If it's impossible, please give me other suggestion.
for example, keep credit for next stay (till end of Dec 2022)
I really hope for your kind understanding and look forward to hearing from you.
나는 코로나 바이러스 때문에 올해 다낭 방문을 못할 거 같아.
그래서 꼭 환불을 받길 원해! 만약 불가능하다면 다른 제안을 줘
예를 들면 2022년까지 크레딧을 연장해주던지...
라고 메일 회신을 했습니다.
답이 뭐라고 왔을까요..
Thank you for your kind response.
Regarding your stay, our Management have considering and would like to recommend other option that you could use the credit until the end of Mar 2021 (instead of Dec 2020).
Once the situation is better and your schedule is finalized, please contact to hotel to assist for making a new stay and deducting payment.
In case the situation is not positive, please rest assure that our hotel also based on the situation at that time to have the best related solution for our guest on this challenging times and further assistance. We always try our best and put our guest’s safety on top of priority.
We are understanding your situation and do hope the above recommendation could meet your requirement. Could you kindly advise us your decision so that we could assist you properly.
Should you need for further information or assistance, please do not hesitate contact us.
Thank you and best regards,
2021년 3월까지 크레딧을 연장해주겠다는 답변을 받았습니다.
후.... 결국 환불받기에 실패했습니다.
제가 영어가 짧아서였을까요..
더 과감하게 이야기를 못해서일까요...
이렇게 된 거 내년 3월까지 코로나 사태가 종결되길 기원해야겠네요..
만약 무료 취소 환불을 받으신 분들이 있다면 방법 좀 공유 부탁드립니다.
더 좋은 방법이 있다면 다시 시도해볼까 합니다.
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